Monday, November 14, 2011

What Is Mormons and Who Founded Mormons

Joseph Smith founded Mormonism in
the 19th century in upstate New York
as a restoration of what he considered
to be the true Christian church. Smith said an angel revealed to him
the location of a set of golden tablets
containing scriptures that he then
translated into the Book of Mormon.
The scriptures he translated described
how a group of Jews came to the Americas. After Jesus was crucified
and resurrected, Mormons believe, he
came to preach to the group and a
church developed, only to fall into
apostasy until Smith restored it. Among the major differences with
traditional Christianity, members of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints, as the Mormon Church is
officially called, do not believe in the
concept of the unified Trinity; the Book of Mormon is considered sacred text,
alongside the Bible and two other
texts; and Mormons believe that God
has a physical body and that human
beings can eventually become like

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